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The Tradition of the Best Man

Among the Germanic Goths of northern Europe in 200 A.D, it was tradition for a man to marry a woman from within his own community; yet, in times of short supply, men wanting a wife often took matters into their own hands and kidnapped one from a neighbouring village.

Securing a bride was generally not a one-person operation; it called for skill and courage. As such, the bridegroom would seek out the “best” person to accompany him. Typically, his strongest friend (or, best friend) — a companion carefully selected and fit for the task — helped the bridegroom on his daring adventure. Hence, the tradition of engaging a “best man” as a sort of “partner in crime.”

While securing the maiden of choice was one thing, there was always the risk that the bride’s family would attempt to force her return. This presented another challenge for the ever loyal best man, who remained armed and alert at the groom’s side throughout the marriage ceremony. Later, he stood guard at the newlywed’s home to protect them from intruders.

As much as this is German folklore, there are actually records of weapons, such as clubs, knives and spears, being hidden under altars in many ancient churches, presumably in case there was a need to protect the groom in the event that the bride’s family arrived to retrieve her.

Today, the bride stands to the left side of the groom. This tradition originated from the need to position the bride where she could be protected, and so that the groom’s right hand was free to defend himself should the need arise.

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