Overcoming Podium Panic

Take very deep breaths. DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL Speak slowly Don’t be concerned about making mistakes - we all do. Have visual aids Have a few notes written on cardboard (not paper) Research shows that, for most people, public speaking is their number 1 fear. However, keep in mind that mostly your audience is…

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She Sells Seashells: The Fascinating Origin of This Favourite Tongue Twister

She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells. This gorgeous tongue twister has amused us for years.  It’s lots of fun to say but also quite difficult. And if you’re like most people,…

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The Origin of the Expression: Tying the Knot

Like many marriage rituals, the expression “tying the knot” originates in ancient history and tradition. It’s know the ancient Mayans, the Hindu Vedic community engaged in a ritual which involving tying or binding a couple’s hands together as a symbol of bethoval. A simpler ritual originated around the Middle Ages when the Celts also…

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