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Overcoming Podium Panic

Research shows that, for most people, public speaking is their number 1 fear.

Keep in mind that your audience, for the most part, is more interested in what you have to say, than in critiquing your ability to say it. Create some audio visuals such as PowerPoint slides, or use some props so that the audience has a secondary focus.

Of course, don’t read your PowerPoint slides word-for-word; you need to connect with your audience. Eye contact is important!

Have a few notes to guide you written down on cardboard, not paper. Paper shakes in your hand when you are nervous, so it’s a dead-set give away that you are, indeed, nervous. Cardboard holds rigid. Practice your presentation out aloud so that your words flow easily.

Finally, look out for the people in your audience who are nodding and focus some of your attention on them. They can be very reassuring.

Overcoming Podium Panic Quick Tip List

  • Take very deep breaths
  • Speak slowly
  • Don’t be concerned about making mistakes; we all do
  • Have visual aids
  • Have a few notes written down on cardboard, not paper


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