Celebrating International Day of the Tongue Twister

November 8 is an exciting day for Speech Teachers everywhere. Yes!  Speech teachers have used tongue twister to demonstrate the correct articulation of various speech sounds and to correct speech faults and defects. Performers use Tongue Twisters to warm up perform a performance and. of course, they’re just good fun. So, November 9 is…

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Does Your Speech Need a Makeover?

Does your speech need a makeover? In so many ways technology has been our saviour in these difficult times.  The popularity of virtual meetings and webinars is on the increase. In so many ways that’s a good thing. Now we can settle down in our own safe and comfy spot without the need to…

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She Sells Seashells: The Fascinating Origin of This Favourite Tongue Twister

She sells sea shells by the sea shore. The shells she sells are surely seashells. So if she sells shells on the seashore, I'm sure she sells seashore shells. This gorgeous tongue twister has amused us for years.  It’s lots of fun to say but also quite difficult. And if you’re like most people,…

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