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How to Give the Perfect Bridesmaid Speech

Traditionally it was not considered one of the duties of a bridesmaid to make a speech. In fact, the best man usually spoke on behalf of the bridesmaids.

Imagine that today!

No, these days most women prefer to speak on their own behalf. After all, it is you ladies who are the best friends of the bride; the bride has chosen you because she wants you involved.

In short, the bride loves you and she has honoured you by asking you to be her bridesmaid, so why not speak on your own behalf?

Let’s have a look at the structure.

1. Begin with how you know the bride

Introduce yourself and talk about your relationship, then conclude by talking about the bride & groom as a couple. It’s important to acknowledge the groom; it’s his special day too!

2. Avoid telling too many tales

This especially applies to those you have a tendency to tell time and time again.

3. Speak from the heart

Why does the bride mean so much to you? Why is your friendship so special? Get sentimental. It’s okay to be funny too!

4. Be as relaxed as you can

This comes with being fully prepared and practicing your speech often before the big day.

5. Have some notes as a memory jog

Jot down the main points, but don’t be tempted to write out your speech in full. If you get really nervous, you’ll revert to reading your speech, rather than speaking it, and you will sound like you’re reading an essay.

6. Avoid “inside jokes” that exclude the guests

Best to save these for your girls’ night out.

7. If you choose to share any “embarrassing stories,” keep them lighthearted

Think before you speak. Is what you plan to say likely to make the bride unduly uncomfortable? Will it embarrass anyone? Will Grandma appreciate hearing it? If in doubt, leave it out.

8. Practice often and in front of the mirror

Avoid reading your speech. Practice making eye contact. Check your body language.

9. If you’re very nervous, direct most of your speech to the bride

If your nerves get the best of you, focus back on the bride for moment to calm yourself down, and then try speaking to the room again.

10. Have a suitable ending in mind

This can be something as simple as thanking the bride again for the honour of being her bridesmaid, offering your best wishes to the couple, and asking the guests to raise their glasses in a toast to the bride and groom.

Good luck and have a great time!

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