Public Speaking Made Easy

This workshop is suitable for anyone wishing to improve their public speaking skills or overcome the fear of speaking in public. Delivered online.  You will enjoy a series of online topics plus have the opportunity to work one-to-one with your coach.  Depending on your requirements, you will enjoy up to four one-to-one lessons via…

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How to protect your voice

Just like any other parts of your body, your vocal organs are subject to wear and tear. If your work depends on using your voice, for example if you are a performer, singer, teacher, public speaker, lawyer, sales representative, telephonist, or caller centre operator, then you are especially vulnerable to vocal strain.  Some problems…

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How can you overcome the fear of public speaking?

Most people (take that as Almost All People) experience nerves and anxiety when they are placed in a position where they are required to make a speech or give a presentation. If the idea of delivering a presentation leaves you feeling uneasy, you are not alone.  In fact, research indicates that one in five people…

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